Can Dogs Eat Bananas? The Healthy Treats For Your Canine!

can dogs eat banana guide

Can dogs eat bananas, grapes, apples, peanut butter and other types of human food? This is probably one of the biggest questions asked more often than you think. Can dogs eat a banana? Well, some owners don’t wonder about it and just choose to feed their pets with the usual dog food. This will seem to make a great deal of sense as many of the commercial foods for canines today claim to have or have all the essential nutritional elements generally required by your furry friends.

Bananas are among the tastiest treats for humans. This delicious yellow fruit is often used in smoothies and cereals and has a healthy snack between meals. Bananas are also rich in potassium, vitamin B6, manganese, fiber, vitamin C, copper, and biotin.

Since it is healthy and nutritious, bananas are so popular that pet parents cannot help but inquire if it is a good idea to share this fruit with the family’s furry member.

If you are a conscientious canine lover, you will surely be happy to know that the wholesome yellow fruits don’t pose any harm at all. This favorite food is a great choice, especially for active pets.

Bananas are so nourishing that you will often find them in the ingredients list of most dog treats. While other fruits are just plain wrong and unsuitable for your pet, this one is different. Bananas are low in cholesterol and sodium. But, just like anything else, make sure that you limit the portions you give to Fido. Due to the fruit’s sugar content, canines must only have it as a treat and not part of their regular diets.

So, if you are asking if bananas are safe for your pet, then better read on.

Can Dogs Have Bananas? It’s a Yes!

dog eating banana

You can always share your favorite fruit with your pet, but make sure that you do it in moderation. Bananas are actually perfect for your pet. It is a healthy snack for them in the same way that it is for you. Just don’t forget to remove the fruit’s peel, of course.

Potassium, vitamin B and C, and fiber content are also desirable for your pet. Your buddy is going to love a banana even more when it is unexpected, and it should definitely be a sweet surprise. But as mentioned earlier, bananas have a fairly high amount of calories and carbs, so you might want to limit this fantastic fruit to a snack status.

Nutritional Value of Bananas

Offering Fido with a small amount of banana will give him a yummy treat packed with some nutritional benefits. By now, you know that bananas are rich in vitamin C and potassium.

Potassium is a kind of electrolyte and mineral, which works from inside the body’s cells to regulate enzyme function and retain the health of muscles and nerves, including those found in the heart. Also, potassium is also crucial for keeping an optimal balance of fluid in your pet’s body.

Meanwhile, vitamin C is a form of a water-soluble vitamin. This means that it will not be stored inside the body. This passes through the kidneys before being excreted during urination. Since vitamin C stays in the bladder of your pet, it makes his urine more acidic. It helps in the prevention of bacterial growth, which is the cause of bladder infections. This particular vitamin also adds a further boost to the immune system of your pet and plays a crucial role in the formation of bone in growing puppies.

Aside from having low sodium content, bananas also contain antioxidants, which play roles in the prevention of some cancers as well as maintaining a healthy coat and skin of your pet.

In general, fruits contain a lot of valuable minerals and vitamins. The sweet-tasting bananas happen to be among the most nutritious fruits. Other benefits of bananas for dogs include the following:

  • Manganese helps with levels of blood pressure and gives off a calming effect on the hyper pets.
  • Potassium keeps Fido’s bones strong while blood vessel functions properly.
  • Vitamin C helps retain a stronger immune system.
  • Vitamin B6 can help fight off anemia.
  • Fiber can maintain regular bowel movements.

Natural Sugar Content to Boost Energy

The banana fruit contains a high level of soluble carbohydrates. This is then converted to natural sugar in your pet’s body. It results in an energy boost, which helps a lot, especially for active hunting and working dogs.

You can try to buy some banana chips from natural food stores and choose the ones that don’t contain added sugars. You can easily take these treats with you on hunting expeditions, hiking trails, or even in agility courses. These can also work as rewards when training.

The whole and natural food treats must be used as an alternative to commercial pet treats. These commercial treats can contain some harmful preservatives and chemicals, which can shorten the lifespan of canines.

When it comes to bananas and other types of fruits, your pet should not have too much of a good thing. Please don’t give these treats sparingly, or you risk him consuming potentially dangerous levels of carbohydrates and potassium. One inch of banana offered every day is fine for many large and medium dogs.

Improve Your Doggie’s Digestion

french bulldog eating banana

Giving ripe bananas to your pet that suffers from colitis or colon inflammation, or other bowel issues may help improve the condition. The fruit’s natural enzymes can provide a soothing effect to intestine irritation. Spasms of the canine colon can respond to a ripened banana, but again, too much of it can pose an opposite effect, so be responsible with the rations.

Pet Portions and Potassium

While the potassium of bananas is healthy, large amounts of it may not be good for your pet. Too much potassium or hyperkalemia might lead to heart issues. While feeding bananas may help with digestion, too much of fruits like grapes may upset the bowels of your dog. Again, every factor points to bananas in moderation.

Bodacious Banana Treats

Regardless of what you are thinking, use bananas as a kind of nutritious reward. Just avoid feeding dog processed banana chips and other products with preservatives. Give your dog with natural foods like banana rather than recipes that contain harmful chemicals and some unknowns. Take note that bananas often go with nuts and raisins. These are downright dangerous for dogs. Get quality peanut butter and banana treats to avoid any inconvenience.

How Many Bananas Can Your Dog Eat?

puppy and banana

Small dogs must not eat more than some small pieces. The same recommendation applies to puppies. Medium and large breeds may eat half a banana twice a week. However, it is only an estimation. You may always adjust this depending on your dog’s size and after consulting with your dog’s vet.

Yes, it’s okay that your dogs eat bananas. A lot of veterinarians recommend this fruit due to its rich content of potassium. Aside from that, this fruit is a healthy alternative to salty and fatty treats. Bananas are also high in fiber that can help if your dog has gastrointestinal issues and magnesium that promotes bone growth as well as helps the body absorb vitamins and produce protein.

Share only modest amounts of bananas based on the weight of the dog. Significant to medium-sized dogs may be provided with half of a banana every day. You cannot crowd out regular meals. For dogs, carbohydrates matter too. Therefore, smaller breeds must only eat small pieces of bananas. This recommendation is conservative, so make the adjustments as appropriate. If your dog is active, it is beneficial as this can help your dog burn more calories.

Different Ways to Feed Banana to Your Dog

There are many ways on how to feed bananas to your dog. One of these is that you can mash the banana with his food. You can also combine it with a small amount of peanut butter or yogurt. You can even freeze this, and it’s a great way to feed banana because it’s the least messy option.

The Not So Good Effects of Bananas on Dogs

Bananas are a very healthy snack for dogs. However, do you know why your dog mustn’t overeat banana? Other than sugar, overeating banana may result in constipation. It may happen to you, and so this can happen to your dog as well. In addition to that, the potassium found in the bananas isn’t that well-tolerated in the dogs in significant amounts. If your dog eats lots of bananas, keep track of her or him closely. In case your dog shows any symptoms such as vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea, consult your vet.

Feeding excessive amounts of bananas will just lead to constipation, and the dog owners must not feed their dog with a banana peel. According to dog experts, they said that bananas are not toxic to pets, yet they are hard to digest and may create a blockage once eating in large pieces or whole.

Like any new additions to the diet of the dog, take a moment and speak with your vet regarding the nutritional needs of your dog. If you add bananas as a treat for the dogs, vets recommend watching for weight changes, allergies, and other possible signs of the sensitive gastrointestinal system. Based on some dog experts’ experiences, they concluded that there are dogs that hate bananas and there are ones that love this fruit. As long as the bananas are a snack and not a whole meal, and your dog is not allergic to bananas, there is no reason why you should not feed them with this fruit.

Watch Out for Banana Peels

Banana peels are not actually toxic to dogs but are only difficult to digest. For this reason, it may cause blockage depending on the consumed amount and the dog’s size. Always remember to consult your vet if you suspect that your dog ate anything suspicious.

Other Options for Banana Treats

If you like baking and want to conjure up several homemade dog biscuits, ripe bananas make an excellent ingredient for your mixing bowl. Some dog owners turn to dog biscuit recipes to replace high-calorie and commercially prepared treats. Your dog will love extra special biscuits; try baking a batch of banana biscuits and peanut butter. With just one banana dispersed throughout the batch, it will help you get rid of the possibility of overfeeding the fruit once the biscuits are doled out in the controlled portions.

Bananas may also be added to some tasty baked recipes for dogs, including the small, sugar-free muffins. Stick to the recipes that are designed specifically for dogs. Like in their muffins and cookies, several ingredients that humans, including nuts and raisins, are toxic to dogs.

You may consider choosing some silvers of bananas as you slice them over your cereal every morning. Your dog will surely come to look forward to sharing this daily routine with you. Dogs aren’t fussy when it comes to presentation and size in terms of their treats. Dogs are always happy treats as long as you are spending time with your furry friend. That is why treat time is considered a treasured bonding time for you and your dog.


Pure bananas are considered healthy treats for your dog and may improve his or her digestion. However, you still have to limit pet portions because of carbs, calories, and some considerations. In addition to that, get rid of a choking potential by getting rid of the peel. In small amounts, bananas are a good reward for dogs. So, can dogs eat bananas? The answer is yes, but it should be in moderation.



2 thoughts on “Can Dogs Eat Bananas? The Healthy Treats For Your Canine!”

  1. Hi Mayang,

    Thank you so much for posting this topic. To be honest Mayang, I like bananas. Even if I do want my dog Mercy to try banana, my guts tell me that there might be some complications in her body. However, I find this helpful when you said that pure bananas are healthy for the dog and improve it’s digestion. My dog Mercy does have digestion issues from time to time, so I think I should feed her slowly but surely. I’ve learned a lot in your article.

    Cheers to you Mayang. God bless!


  2. Grapes!?! You must NEVER give dogs grap a!!
    Please correct the statement above and remove grapes!
    “While feeding bananas may help with digestion, too much of fruits like grapes may upset the bowels of your dog”

    Dog feeding 101 !!! DOGS MUST NOT EAT GRAPES!!!!!!

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